Sailing and Climbing the “Three Peaks” of Washington

How do you explain the attraction of the Pacific Northwest to a visitor? You might focus on the political, the cultural – or even the meteorological climate. Or you might begin with the geography – the physical shape of the mountains and the coast, and describe the ways that sea and shore meet and create… Continue reading Sailing and Climbing the “Three Peaks” of Washington

2010: Sea-to-Summit of the Dominican Republic

Bike and Hike to the Highpoint of the Caribbean   C. P.Marsh After the last two winters when I only got as far as my Mexican dentist opposite Yuma, Arizona, I was keen to go outside the US for more than 1-2 hours! The Dominican Republic interested me for several reasons, most notably because the… Continue reading 2010: Sea-to-Summit of the Dominican Republic

2001: I’ll Take the Low Road–Cycling Across Death Valley

Crossing the California Desert and High Sierra             Copyright Peter J. Marsh A few days into the new year, we saw the pictures of the first ascent of the 3,000-foot Dawn Wall in Yosemite Valley by Tommy Caldwell and Kevin Jorgeson. They climbed “free”–without any artificial aid–a stunning achievement–and the way the media reacted. This marathon… Continue reading 2001: I’ll Take the Low Road–Cycling Across Death Valley