Arthur Piver: Pioneer Trimaran Designer-Sailor

Arthur Piver (1910–1968) was a World War II pilot, and a legendary sailor, author,  and boat builder who lived in Mill Valley on San Francisco Bay. In the late 1950s, Piver (rhymes with “diver”) owned a print shop, and designed and built a series of simple three-hulled, plywood yachts in his spare time, starting with… Continue reading Arthur Piver: Pioneer Trimaran Designer-Sailor

The 1964 OSTAR and Me

How I Caught Sailing Fever in Plymoth- Copyright Peter Marsh I was 16 when I read about the second Observer Single-handed Trans-Atlantic Race (OSTAR) starting in Plymouth, England on 23 May. I knew I had to go, which  caused my mother distress because I was doing something completely out of character: skipping my grammar-school education for… Continue reading The 1964 OSTAR and Me

50 Years Since Eric Tabarly Won Solo Trans-At (1964-2014)

 Was Pen Duick II the First Modern Singlehanded Racer by PMarsh In 1964, when a motley crew of thirteen Anglo and two French sailors arrived in Plymouth (SW England) for the second Singlehanded Trans-Atlantic Race, the scene was nothing like modern-day offshore racing. The fleet was moored in Millbay Docks, a vacant commercial dock basin… Continue reading 50 Years Since Eric Tabarly Won Solo Trans-At (1964-2014)

1964 – Racing a 35′ Trimaran in the OSTAR by Derek Kelsall

How a 35′ Piver Trimaran Almost won the 1964 OSTAR – by Derek Kelsall On 16th March, 50 years ago, while in the Bahamas, I made the spur of the moment decision to enter OSTAR, the second single handed trans Atlantic race from Plymouth, UK to Newport R.I. I ordered three hulls from a builder… Continue reading 1964 – Racing a 35′ Trimaran in the OSTAR by Derek Kelsall