2010: Sea-to-Summit of the Dominican Republic

Bike and Hike to the Highpoint of the Caribbean   C. P.Marsh After the last two winters when I only got as far as my Mexican dentist opposite Yuma, Arizona, I was keen to go outside the US for more than 1-2 hours! The Dominican Republic interested me for several reasons, most notably because the… Continue reading 2010: Sea-to-Summit of the Dominican Republic

2001: I’ll Take the Low Road–Cycling Across Death Valley

Crossing the California Desert and High Sierra             Copyright Peter J. Marsh A few days into the new year, we saw the pictures of the first ascent of the 3,000-foot Dawn Wall in Yosemite Valley by Tommy Caldwell and Kevin Jorgeson. They climbed “free”–without any artificial aid–a stunning achievement–and the way the media reacted. This marathon… Continue reading 2001: I’ll Take the Low Road–Cycling Across Death Valley